Bloating occurs when the stomach becomes distended with air or gas and looks bigger than it normally would. It’s usually due to overeating, but other factors such as irritable bowel syndrome or an intestinal obstruction can be to blame. It can also occur because of certain health conditions, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or lactose intolerance, as well as during pregnancy.

Bloating can be uncomfortable and embarrassing, especially if it happens frequently. It’s also considered to be one of the most prevalent digestive disorders in the world today, with almost 80% of the people who suffer from it saying that it’s had a negative impact on their personal lives.

Thankfully, there are plenty of great natural home remedies for bloating that you can use to help relieve this uncomfortable condition and get your life back on track quickly and easily

1. Oregano oil

This stuff is great. It contains carvacrol, which has been shown in some studies to have anti-inflammatory properties, which may reduce bloating. To really enjoy its anti-bloating effects, you can use oregano oil as a seasoning for your food.

According to a study published in The Journal of Ethnopharmacology, its antispasmodic properties can help relieve gastrointestinal distress (i.e., gas) and pain. As an added bonus, it may also improve symptoms related to other conditions such as colds and flu and prevent cancer growth. To use, add two or three drops into water or juice—or simply eat foods like mint jelly that contain natural oregano oil!

2. Ginger tea

An easy way to eliminate your bloating is drinking ginger tea. This home remedy has been used in several cultures and is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce your stomach upset.

What’s more, a study published in Food Science and Technology concluded that ginger was able to significantly reduce gastric emptying and intestinal motility, meaning it may help reduce bloating.

To make ginger tea, add one inch of peeled fresh ginger root in a cup with three cups of water and bring it to a boil. After 10 minutes, strain it and drink the liquid two times daily until you feel better. Keep in mind that some people may be allergic to ginger so start with a small amount at first.

Also, You can Try brewing some hot water with fresh ginger roots. Add some honey and lemon juice if you’d like a sweeter taste. To up your intake of ginger, even more, eat it as is or add it to soups, marinades or stir-fries.

3. Apple cider vinegar

A number of studies show that ingesting apple cider vinegar can help soothe upset stomachs. In one study, published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine in 2007, Chinese researchers divided 60 people with bloating into two groups: One group took a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar every day before bed; the other group took a placebo. After two weeks, both groups experienced improvements—but only those taking ACV showed decreased symptoms.

Make a concoction by mixing two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and a half teaspoon each of honey and crushed ginger in one cup of water. It reduces stomach gas by soothing your upset stomach with its enzymes, acetic acid, pectin, and malic acid. Drink it before meals or up to three times daily.

4. Lemon juice is a remedy for bloating

Bloating often accompanies indigestion. Drinking lemon juice is an excellent way to expel excess stomach gas and improve digestion. And, it was cheap! Simply mix two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice with a glass of water and drink three times daily.

Or you can mix a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice in warm water and drink it on an empty stomach when you feel discomfort from indigestion. This remedy can also be used as a gargle in case of throat infections.

5. Aloe Vera Juice

This healthy drink has fiber and water, both of which help keep your digestive system functioning at full capacity. Make sure you drink plenty (at least 2 liters) throughout your day. As with any beverage you consume, make sure that it is 100% pure juice to avoid unwanted additives or preservatives. You can find pure aloe vera juice at most grocery stores or natural health food stores. Use about a tablespoon in a glass of water and sip on it slowly over a few hours.

This natural remedy is great if you’re prone to getting indigestion or heartburn. Aloe vera juice has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help prevent stomach upset by regulating digestion. If your stomach discomfort is due to constipation, mix some aloe with psyllium powder before you go to bed.

6. Carbonated Water will help in reducing bloating

Swigging on a little bubbly water is a great way to alleviate bloating. Carbonated water helps relieve abdominal discomfort, as it stimulates your stomach’s production of hydrochloric acid and bicarbonate, which help break down food more efficiently. It also stimulates bile flow and improves peristalsis—the rhythmic contraction of muscles that pushes food through your digestive tract. Overall, drinking fizzy water can prevent gastrointestinal pressure from building up.

If you’re prone to gas or suffer from acid reflux, drinking carbonated water can be a good way to prevent bloating. By maintaining an even amount of pressure throughout your digestive tract, carbonated water can help you avoid pain and discomfort, as well as fizz out excess air and air trapped in your stomach.

7. Try Lactose-Free Dairy Products when bloating

If you suffer from upset stomach or bloat after eating dairy, try switching over to lactose-free foods like soy milk, rice milk, and almond milk

If you’re lactose intolerant or suffer from other stomach sensitivities, certain dairy products can irritate your stomach and worsen bloating. Some people cannot digest lactose, which is found in milk and other dairy products. You may find relief by switching to lactose-free dairy products, such as skim milk, soy milk, or goat’s milk.

It may also help if you eat yogurt that doesn’t contain live active cultures—which are naturally found in yogurt—since they have been known to cause some people indigestion. You may also want to try low-lactose cheeses such as mozzarella or Swiss.

8. Avoid Processed Foods

Processed foods are full of preservatives and other additives that can make you bloated. Instead, go for whole grains, fresh produce, and lean protein sources. Drinking enough water is also a good way to keep your digestion on track.

Avoiding processed foods is a good way to control how much sodium you consume; eating out more often can cause your stomach to bloat. If you’re trying to reduce your sodium intake, it’s important that you monitor how much salt and seasonings you use when cooking at home as well. Too much of either one can make your tummy feel uncomfortably tight.

9. Exercise More

If you want to learn how to get rid of stomach gas, one way is by staying active. When your body is busy, it’s less likely that it will focus on digesting food and creating excess wind or bloating. As little as 30 minutes a day can help relieve excess air in your stomach by forcing blood and oxygen into muscles, which naturally makes digestion function more efficiently.

This one is pretty obvious, but exercise has been proven time and again to help with digestion issues and feeling bloated. If you are sitting at a desk all day, it’s easy to not make time for exercise. Get up, take a walk and breathe in some fresh air

10. Slippery elm bark will reduce bloating

In addition to relieving abdominal pain, slippery elm bark also contains a compound that could ease upset stomach and bloat. A natural anti-inflammatory and antihistamine, slippery elm bark is one of our favorite herbal home remedies.

This herb has been used in Native American medicine for centuries; as with any home remedy, consult your doctor before you try it. To prepare an effective tea, steep about 2 tablespoons of slippery elm bark in 4 cups of boiling water until cool. Once cooled, strain and drink several times daily. Drink up to 3 cups per day before meals to help relieve gas and irregularity.

Another way is to Mix a spoonful with warm water, strain out solids, and sip it up—the taste isn’t pretty, but it works like a charm. You can also chew on slippery elm lozenges—just make sure they’re made from all-natural ingredients.





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