Burnout, or workplace burnout, occurs when you experience excessive and prolonged stress in your job that negatively affects your mental and physical well-being. Burnout can result from several causes, including a lack of work-life balance, unrealistic goals and expectations, micromanagement, and feeling like you have little control over your job. Burnout can also be triggered by co-workers and difficult clients who push you to the edge with their demands and expectations.

Burnout can be defined as an acute state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress that exceeds one’s ability to cope. It often leads to feelings of cynicism, detachment, negative attitudes, and behavior towards work in general and works colleagues in particular, leading to conflicts and dissatisfaction with work in general and work colleagues in particular. This can result in low job satisfaction, decreased productivity and performance, and high absenteeism from work resulting from long-term sickness or resignation from the job altogether.

What Is Burnout?

A lot of people ask what burnout is, so let’s first try to understand what it is. Burnout can be defined as a state of mental, emotional, or physical exhaustion that results from overworking oneself. Although in our modern world it might seem impossible to become physically exhausted by working for too long at your desk, some forms of burnout are real.

Burnout is a syndrome characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a low sense of personal accomplishment. It’s most commonly experienced by workers in high-stress environments—particularly doctors, nurses, teachers, lawyers, writers, and employees at nonprofits—but it can affect any type of person working under extreme pressure.

Types Of Burnout

There are three main types of burnout: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a feeling of reduced personal accomplishment. Emotional exhaustion is characterized by feelings of being emotionally drained or exhausted from work. Depersonalization is characterized by a sense that one’s personal values, beliefs, or actions no longer matter. Reduced personal accomplishment is characterized by feelings of incompetence or ineffectiveness.

Burnout can be caused by many types of events, which causes different kinds of burnout. If you’re feeling burned out at work, it could have happened for any of these reasons. Here are some symptoms that might help you determine what type of burnout you have.

Symptoms Of Burnout

It’s a normal part of life to feel stressed, anxious, or even emotionally exhausted from time to time. While it’s important to unwind on a regular basis, you may find yourself becoming overwhelmed with these emotions so frequently that it interferes with your daily life. Sometimes stress is just part of being human and there are many ways you can control your response to that stress.

There are a number of symptoms associated with burnout. They include being very busy all of the time, feeling like you have no control over your workday, having a difficult time concentrating on important tasks, experiencing chronic headaches or backaches, and feeling that life is just not worth living anymore. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms it could be a sign that you need to take some time off from work to relax and get away from it all.


The causes of burnout vary depending on each individual. However, most people who have experienced it says that it’s caused by a lack of control over their own lives; feeling as though they have lost control is an important factor in causing burnout. Managers can help prevent burnout by involving their employees in decision-making processes, encouraging them to come up with solutions for problems rather than just telling them what to do, empowering them to make choices in how they work, and giving them reasonable work expectations.


Burnout can be divided into three distinct stages: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a reduced sense of personal accomplishment. The lowest point is usually reached at stage two; therefore, it’s important to recognize symptoms early in order to stop burnout before it gets worse.

According to Maslach and Leiter (1997), burnout can be divided into three different stages: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. Additionally, many studies have shown that stress-coping strategies may influence one’s experience of burnout.


The best way to prevent burnout is to practice self-care. The business world can be ruthless, so make sure you’re investing in your personal well-being as well. If you’re not sure where to start, here are four ways you can start practicing self-care today: … Make time for your goals: If something is important to you, make time for it on your calendar or set specific deadlines for yourself so that it doesn’t get pushed aside.

The best way to deal with burnout is to try to prevent it from happening in the first place. Work-life balance (WLB) is an issue that’s gaining traction in many industries, and for good reason. A healthy work-life balance means you’re able to prioritize your health, both physically and mentally. In fact, research suggests that having a healthy WLB can lead to increased job satisfaction, productivity, employee retention rates, and reduced stress levels.


It’s important to know when it’s time to recover. To manage it, learn what factors contribute to your burnout, such as unrealistic expectations and a lack of work-life balance. Take stock of how you feel on a daily basis and how those feelings compare with others in your field. If you notice any extreme changes, take action immediately. Make sure you’re setting appropriate boundaries between work and home so you can spend time rejuvenating yourself for future challenges.

Burnout occurs when you have a prolonged sense of exhaustion or disillusionment, coupled with physical and emotional exhaustion. The effects can be serious if left unchecked, affecting your productivity, relationships, and mood. Recovery involves rest, reflection, connection with others, spending time on activities that provide joy, or taking steps to reignite passion in a direction that lights you up again. Recovery helps you learn what behaviors led to burnout—and how to avoid them in the future.

10 Ways To Overcome Exhaustion

Exhaustion can ruin your life. That doesn’t mean you can stop it, but there are some steps you can take to at least manage it.

Exhaustion is no joke. It’s debilitating, it makes you feel bad about yourself, and it leaves you with a need to escape that takes precedence over nearly everything else in your life. Burnout can creep up on anyone at any time. It’s important to recognize its causes and symptoms, as well as how to combat them before they become too severe. Here are 10 ways to overcome exhaustion

Predictive Factors For Burnout

The truth is that there are a lot of factors that cause burnout. Some of these are controllable by you, while others aren’t. The factors that don’t include your career choice, environment, personal circumstances, motivation levels, and more.

According to US News, 40% of all employees experience burnout in their lifetime. While stress is never a good thing, here are a few common factors that can cause burnout


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