A girl having a backache

Lower Backpains are one of the most common health ailments that people have to deal with on a daily basis, and the older you get, the more likely it is that you’ll experience lower back pains at some point. more than 80 percent of adults will experience them at some point in their lives. . Lower Backaches can range from mildly uncomfortable to extremely painful, and they can last anywhere from a few days to several months.

There are many different causes of lower back pain, ranging from serious medical conditions to everyday activities like working at a desk or bending over to pick up something heavy. It’s important to determine the cause of your lower back pain as soon as possible so you can take the appropriate measures for getting relief, including seeking medical attention if necessary.

Since there are so many possible causes of Lower back pains, it’s important to choose your treatment carefully in order to solve the problem and not just treat the symptoms. This guide will give you valuable information about how to treat Lower back pains safely and effectively, as well as provide you with some exercises that can strengthen your lower back and reduce your risk of future problems.

Causes of Lower back pain

As many as 85% of people suffer from lower back pain at some point in their lives, and most of them will probably experience it more than once.

There are several potential causes of backache, including

  1. Emotional stress

Stress is the body ’s natural response toward certain usually uncomfortable conditions or feelings.You may not realize it, but when you are stressed or anxious; your body undergoes chemical and physical reactions in an attempt to protect you from harm. Cortisol and adrenaline are released, and your muscles typically tighten involuntarily. This is common in the neck, shoulders, and lower spine. Prolonged tension in these areas can result in back pain, particularly lower back pain. You may have heard a massage therapist say that you have a lot of tension in your shoulders, and this is what they’re referring to.

  1. Spinal injury or degeneration

Back muscles and spinal ligaments can be strained by repeated heavy lifting or a sudden awkward movement. Constant strain on your back can cause painful muscle spasms if you’re in poor physical condition resulting to Lower back pain.

  1. Sitting or standing for long periods of time

Sitting or standing for long periods of time can put a lot of strain on your Lower back, causing it to stretch and deflate. Pinched nerves can result, causing symptoms such as shoulder pain, Lower backpain, and other intense trigger points inside of your nerve clusters.

  1. Carrying heavy objects while pregnant

Lower back pain is very common during pregnancy, especially in the early stages. During pregnancy, your body’s ligaments naturally soften and stretch to prepare you for labor. This can put strain on your lower back and pelvic joints, tends to result in Lower back pain.

  1. Lower back pain can also be caused by kidney stones or colon cancer.

If you have a kidney stone, you may encounter muscle spasm as your kidney function try to push the stone out. This can result in severe Lower back pain or side pain that comes and goes in waves.

  1. Those who smoke are at an increased risk for developing Lower back pain as well.

Several studies have found a link between smoking cigarettes and lower back pain. Smoking damages your arteries, and its thought that damaged arteries in your back’s discs and joints can cause back pain and injury. Smoking increases your chances of developing osteoporosis, a bone-thinning condition that can cause lower back pain.

  1. Muscle strain or sprain; osteoarthritis

The most common causes of lower back pain are lumbar (lower back) muscle strains and sprains. Because the lower back supports the weight of the upper body and is associated in moving, twisting, and bending, muscle strains and sprains are common.


  1. Scoliosis (curvature of the spine)

Scoliosis is a spinal condition in which the spine curves or twists to one side. This can cause upper or lower Back pain and discomfort by pulling the chest muscles out of position and putting strain on the back muscles.

  1. Fibromyalgia- pain in the muscles and joints

The lower back is a common site of fibromyalgia pain because muscle tissue in general often are hurtful in fibromyalgia, and also the human back has a huge number of muscle fibers to sustain posture.

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis

Lower back pain can be caused by RA-related inflammatory response in the facet joints. In some cases, prolonged inflammation can lead to the destruction of the facet joints. The vertebrae get less stable as a result. Destabilization in the spine can cause a vertebra to fall out of place, usually causing the upper vertebra to slide over the lower.

The good news is that treatment can help you get rid of your discomfort within several days or weeks depending on how bad your backache is. While there’s no universal cure for Lower back pains, there are ways to prevent and treat it.

 If you experience chronic lower back pain, see your doctor as soon as possible.

Symptoms of Lower Back pains

For many people, lower back pain is a affliction that can be debilitating. In most cases, Lower back pain is caused by muscle or ligament strain in your lower back and/or upper buttocks. However, there are many other potential causes of lower back pain, including fractured vertebrae, joint diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, and degenerative disc ailment. Sometimes referred pain may also be experienced in your legs (sciatica) if a problem in your lower back causes irritation or compression of one of your sciatic nerves.

Lower back pain isn’t always a result of too much physical activity—sometimes it’s caused by being in an uncomfortable position for too long or even just sitting down on an unforgiving chair! If you sit in front of your computer for most of your day, take regular breaks and try to change positions every once in a while. When it comes to treating your Lower back pain, remember: prevention is better than cure.

Unfortunately, because symptoms of lower back pain can vary so widely depending on which specific area is affected, it’s impossible to offer blanket advice that will cure all types of back pain. Instead, I’ll try my best to address some common causes of lower back pain and their corresponding remedies below.


Remedies for a Lower back pain

Simple lower Back pain remedies can go a long way toward alleviating it and preventing it from getting worse. When you feel lower back pain, it’s important to avoid doing any activities that might make your lower back pain worse.

Before you begin any of these lower back pain remedies, make sure you have a pain-relieving medication on hand. Simple non-prescription medications such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen can be very effective in easing your pain

Other common remedies for treating lower back pain include: resting, taking over-the-counter medicine and ice packs. As with most ailments, prevention is preferable; there are several things you can do to reduce your risk of suffering from chronic lower back pain.

As always, please consult with your doctor if your symptoms of lower back pain persist or get worse after taking over-the-counter medications

Preventing Backaches

Some of the ways that can help you in prevention of Lower back pains is maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which includes

  1. Eating well

Olive oil, herbal tea, and bright colours fruits and vegetables have mostly been shown to reduce swelling in spinal column cartilage, which aids in the management of lower back pain and stiffness. When it comes to vegetables, the greener the better. Kale, spinach, and broccoli are all top contenders for an anti-inflammatory diet with anti-back-pain properties. Avocados, nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, and Brazil nuts), lean proteins like chicken and turkey, beans, and cocoa are also good anti-back pain foods.

  1. Getting enough sleep

According to research, insufficient or interrupted sleep may aggravate Lower back pain. Insufficient sleep hinders the release of growth hormone. The night – time release of growth hormone is required for pain relief and body healing. This process is hampered by a lack of sleep.

  1. Resting when Tired

When you are handling heavy tasks and you feel tired, you should take a break. This break will help your muscles relax before continuing with work. If you continue with work without rest it can be a cause for Lower back pains

  1. Drinking a lot of water to stay hydrated

Drinking enough water during the day can help to relieve lower back pain by supplying the spine and surrounding muscles with the following benefits: Water keeps the spinal discs hydrated, allowing them to correctly cushion the spine during motion.


There are also some preventive measures you can take when it comes to lower back pain:

  1. Stretching

Stretching on a regular basis protects your Lower back by improving flexibility and lowering the risk of injury. When performed after a strengthening exercise, it aids in the prevention of lower back pain

  1. Warming up before strenuous activity

Warming up helps your body prepare for aerobic activity. A warm-up revs up your cardiovascular system gradually by increasing your body temperature and raising blood flow to your lower back muscles. Cooling down is especially important for competitive endurance athletes like marathon runners because it helps regulate blood flow and prevent Lower back pains

  1. Wearing supportive shoes

Shoes with a small heel are preferable. Because your heels are slightly raised, your ankle can turn and rotate in a different way hence reducing the risk of suffering a Lower back pain

  1. Strength training.

Weight training exercises can prevent lower back pains by-

  • Increasing the purpose of your back and core muscles.
  • Increasing the size of your lean muscle mass.
  • Increasing the joint mobility in your spine
  1. If you work at a desk, there are several things you can do to prevent Lower back pains

  • Make sure that your seat is both comfortable and supportive; it should support your lower back and be adjustable enough for you to easily rest your feet on top of a box or footrest if needed.
  • Your chair should allow you to maintain a natural position (that is, with both feet flat on the floor) throughout most of each day.
  • Make sure your monitor is positioned so that its top sits directly in front of your eyes; if possible, have someone check it for you to make sure that’s right.

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