Have you ever been told that you have high blood sugar? What does that mean? Diabetes mellitus, commonly referred to as diabetes, is the third most common chronic disease in America and the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This disease causes serious problems with your blood glucose levels and may affect other parts of your body, including your kidneys, eyes, nerves, and heart. This article is about Signs and symptoms of diabetes
The definition of diabetes varies depending on which type you have, but all types involve high blood sugar levels, which can lead to serious health complications if left untreated. You may notice your signs and symptoms of diabetes right away or it could take years before you realize that something is wrong.
What are the signs and symptoms of diabetes? How do you know if you have diabetes? Because many symptoms of diabetes share similar characteristics with other illnesses, it can be tricky to tell the difference between diabetes and other health issues.
The sooner you know about these warning signs and symptoms of diabetes, the better chance you have at preventing complications from occurring in the future. These complications include nerve damage, high blood pressure, and vision loss. This article will cover all common signs and symptoms of diabetes, so you can watch out for them in yourself or others around you.
Anybody can develop diabetes, but the odds of getting it are highest if you’re overweight or have other risk factors like high blood pressure or poor cholesterol levels. Fortunately, the signs and symptoms of diabetes are easy to detect if you know what to look for, so if you notice any of these signs and symptoms, contact your doctor right away to discuss testing and treatment options.

As with all chronic diseases, early signs and symptoms of diabetes is typically not a symptom for people who have it. Early symptoms usually don’t appear until someone develops more advanced complications. One potential sign can be constipation, as Type 2 diabetes interferes with insulin production and how cells absorb glucose from food. As a result, certain foods that normally cause bowel movements are not fully processed by your system—and instead remain in your gut to produce waste materials known as fecal impaction.
Many people with diabetes experience constipation, which occurs when stool doesn’t move through your digestive tract as quickly as it should. Signs of constipation include difficulty having a bowel movement, a feeling that you have to go but nothing happens, or a sense that your bowels are not completely empty after you use the bathroom. Over time, constipation can become chronic if left untreated. It can also cause other health problems such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and painful bowel movements.
Frequent Urination/micturition

One of the most common signs and symptoms of diabetes is increased urination, especially at night. If you frequently have to visit your bathroom at night, or if you wake up in order to urinate more than once a night, it could be a sign that you have diabetes. But remember, it can also indicate other conditions as well—if you start experiencing nighttime urination, schedule an appointment with your doctor right away. Your doctor will conduct tests to determine whether you have diabetes or another condition causing similar symptoms.
Urine color is one of the most common signs and symptoms of diabetes, especially if you are drinking more fluids than usual. Urine appears more yellow or orange when there is an excess amount of glucose present in your system, which will then be excreted via urination. Urine that looks darker than usual indicates that more fluid has been processed than normal, which also points to high blood sugar levels. This can occur because of dehydration or simply because you’re consuming too many sugary beverages. Either way, it’s a good idea to keep track of how much water you drink each day so that symptoms like frequent urination don’t arise due to a lack of hydration.
Excessive Thirst can be part of the Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

Feeling thirsty is a sign that you’re already dehydrated, so if you’re constantly drinking water but still feeling overly thirsty, it could be a sign and symptom of diabetes. This occurs because glucose in your blood can trigger your kidneys to not reabsorb water properly. And while it might seem harmless at first, excessive thirst is also an early symptom of diabetes.
Another sign and symptom of diabetes is excessive thirst. Diabetics have a hard time regulating their blood sugar levels, which causes them to urinate more often. This increased urine output can cause you to become dehydrated, especially if you’re not drinking enough water to keep up with your new fluid needs. As dehydration occurs, it makes you feel even thirstier than normal; creating a vicious cycle that will only make your diabetes worse.
Fatigue can be Signs and symptoms of Diabetes

Most people with diabetes experience fatigue at some point, but it’s not always related to blood sugar levels. Fatigue is one of the signs and symptoms of diabetes, particularly if you feel tired all day long rather than just in the morning. If you have trouble staying awake during daily activities, especially after eating meals, talk to your doctor.
Being tired is one of the most common signs and symptoms of diabetes, but it’s not a cause for concern. It usually goes away once your body adjusts to your new diet and insulin levels. If you have diabetes, take rest days where you simply don’t do much—it will help you adjust more quickly.
Sores That Heal Slowly

One common sign and symptom of diabetes is slow-healing sores, especially on your feet. The longer it takes for a cut or wound to heal, it increases your risk for infection. So if you notice that cuts or scrapes take more than two weeks to heal, see your doctor for blood tests. The sooner you catch an infection (or get other related symptoms), the better chance you have of fighting it off without complication.
One study found that one in five diabetics reported foot ulcers, which were most often associated with nerve damage from diabetes. If you’re diabetic, be aware of pain or a sore that doesn’t heal for more than a week—it could mean you need to visit your doctor to rule out other conditions.
Infections can be Signs and symptoms of Diabetes

More common signs and symptoms of diabetes include infections in your mouth or bladder. If you have these symptoms without any other explanation, such as a known injury or fever, they may be caused by diabetes. The good news is that most infections associated with diabetes are treatable with antibiotics—and once you’re no longer battling an infection, your blood sugar returns to normal.
When your body doesn’t have enough insulin to convert sugar into energy, your blood sugar rises rapidly. Too much sugar floating in your bloodstream makes you feel sick (your cells don’t use it well), hungry (since you still need the energy), and tired. It also makes you more prone to infections. See a doctor immediately if any of these symptoms appear: excessive thirst or hunger, frequent urination, extreme fatigue, weight loss.
Blurred Vision

One of the signs and symptoms of diabetes is blurred vision, which can occur for two reasons. Firstly, high blood sugar levels in diabetics cause fluid to pool in the eyes, which then leads to swelling. Secondly, over time high blood sugar can damage capillaries that are located at or near your pupils. These small blood vessels will leak fluids and impair your vision as a result. Your eye doctor should be able to tell you if it’s related to diabetes.
Many people with diabetes don’t notice they have it until they start seeing blurry vision. One of the most common signs and symptoms of diabetes, blurred vision can be an early sign that something is wrong. If you’re experiencing any changes in your vision—whether it’s blurry or dimmed—be sure to consult a doctor as soon as possible. It could save your life.
Slow Healing Wounds, Bruises, or Cuts

Sometimes diabetes causes wounds to heal more slowly than normal. You may notice that cuts or scrapes take longer to heal, or they seem to form scabs before they heal. Sometimes you may find that minor bruises on your legs don’t disappear over time. These can be signs and symptoms of diabetes.
Some people with diabetes don’t heal as quickly as others. This can be a sign that your blood sugar is too high, though not always. If you notice wounds or bruises taking longer than usual to heal, see your doctor find out if you have diabetes. If you do have it, work with your doctor to lower your blood sugar levels so that you’ll heal faster in the future.
Feeling Tired After Eating

If you feel tired after eating, especially if it happens frequently, you could be exhibiting signs and symptoms of diabetes. When there’s too much glucose in your bloodstream, your body has to create extra insulin to get rid of it. This makes you tired after eating a meal because all that excess insulin takes its toll on your body. In order to avoid getting type 2 diabetes, pay attention to these signs so you can take action before it’s too late. Feeling tired is an early sign of type 2 diabetes
Some people will experience extreme hunger, cravings, or both shortly after eating. This indicates that their blood sugar is too low and their body is reacting with a fight-or-flight response. Feeling tired after eating can be a sign of diabetes. If you’re experiencing these signs and symptoms of diabetes, it’s important to see your doctor for a medical checkup.
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